If your toddler is constantly pulling at their ears or your older child is experiencing ear pain, they may have an ear infection. At Yeled Shalom Pediatric Clinic experienced pediatrician, Eliézer Hernández, MD, PA, and his medical team offer evaluations and treatments for ear infections. Dr. Hernández focuses on relieving your child’s pain quickly and properly clearing the infection. If your child needs surgery to address chronic ear infections, Dr. Hernández can refer you to a specialist. Find out more about treating ear infections by calling the Eagle Pass, TX, office or by booking an appointment online now.

What is an ear infection?

An ear infection is an inflammation of the middle ear, usually caused by bacteria, that occurs when fluid builds up behind the eardrum. While anyone can get an ear infection, children are more susceptible to ear infections than adults and ear infections are quite common among children. In fact, five out of six children will have at least one ear infection by their third birthday. Ear infections are actually the most common reason parents bring their child to a doctor.

What causes ear infections in children?

An ear infection usually is caused by bacteria and often begins after a child has a sore throat, cold, or other upper respiratory infection. If your child has a bacterial, upper respiratory infection, then these same bacteria may spread to the middle ear. If your child has a viral, upper respiratory infection, such as a cold, bacteria may be also drawn to the microbe-friendly environment and move into the middle ear as a secondary infection. As a result of the bacterial infection, fluid builds up behind the eardrum causing some or all of the symptoms listed below.

Some children may experience chronic ear infections, which may be the result of smaller tubes in the ear(s) or due to a frequent mucus blockage in these tubes that does not allow excess fluid to drain out naturally.

Children are also at increased risk for recurrent ear infections because their immune systems are still developing and not able to effectively protect against bacteria.

What are the symptoms? How can I tell if my child has an ear infection?

As with many illnesses in children, symptoms can vary from mild to severe, but should always be evaluated and treated as soon as possible. Ear infections can be very painful in children. Infants and toddlers may become increasingly fussy and cry often when an infection is present. Older children may complain of ear pain and frequently touch or pull their ears.

Other symptoms of ear infections include:

  • Fever (especially among young children)

  • Fussiness and crying

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Fluid drainage from ear(s)

  • Balance problems

  • Hearing difficulties

If your child is experiencing any of the symptoms above, your child may have an ear infection. It is important to respond promptly to any symptoms so that your pediatrician at Yeled Shalom Pediatric Clinic in Eagle Pass, TX, can provide a proper diagnosis and begin appropriate treatment immediately.

How is an ear infection diagnosed?

When you bring your child to visit Eagle Pass pediatrician, Dr. Eliézer Hernández, because you suspect your child has an ear infection, he will begin by asking about your child’s current health. Has your child had a head cold or sore throat recently? Is he having trouble sleeping? Is she pulling at her ears? If an ear infection seems likely, the simplest way Dr. Eliézer Hernández to evaluate your child is to use a lighted instrument, called an otoscope, to look at the eardrum. If your child has a red, bulging eardrum, that indicates an infection.

Dr. Eliézer Hernández may also evaluate any other symptoms to create a treatment plan that focuses on fast relief of pain and hearing difficulties.

What treatments are available for an ear infection?

Bacterial ear infections are quite common and will require a course of antibiotics that your child will take for up to 10 days. As always, full recovery requires that your child complete the prescribed treatment in full (for example, if Dr. Eliézer Hernández prescribes amoxicillin for 10 days, the child should take the full dosage for the full 10 days, even if your child is no longer experiencing symptoms).

In some instances, children have recurrent ear infections due to other physical conditions. In these cases, surgery may be necessary to provide long-term relief. Dr. Eliézer Hernández can provide referrals to experienced specialists in order to discuss available options.

If your child is experiencing any of the symptoms above that indicate he or she has an ear infection, do not delay in providing medical evaluation and treatment. Call Eagle Pass pediatrician, Dr. Eliézer Hernández, at Yeled Shalom Pediatric Clinic today or book an appointment online.